Brexit is going to impact on all our lives in many ways but with over one third of the veterinary specialists in the UK coming from overseas (predominantly EU but also North America and further afield), the BCVSp Trustees are taking a strong interest in ensuring the interests of our members are recognised and represented. Trustee Amanda Boag is representing BCVSp in discussions on Brexit within the profession.
Issues relating to working rights for non UK nationals currently in the UK and the future immigration policy are top of the list of priorities. Within the UK, both the BVS (BVA statement on Brexit) and RCVS (RCVS statement on Brexit), who speak with government regularly, have made statements outlining the professions approach to Brexit. The BCVSp Trustees fully support the recommendations around workforce issues. With negotiations not yet properly underway, the opportunity is also being taken to collect more data on EU vets employed in the UK. The RCVS recently completed the first of a series of surveys of EU members (including Specialists) and had an excellent response rate. The data is currently being analysed and we will update you when more information is available. We encourage all Specialists who are eligible to complete the follow-up surveys as they are performed over the next year.
Training of specialists is also a key issue and is highlighted in the BVA document. The European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS) which regulates the European Colleges is not confined to the EU although it has strong links to it. BCVSp is looking to work closely with the UK national representative to EBVS to ensure the UK voice is not lost on issues relating to development of the European college and specialist system.
Please take the time to read the documents and if you have specific concerns relating to Brexit that you would like us to highlight further then please do get in touch with us.