Toscane, the Sphynx cat who underwent a faecal transplantation
Toscane, a 9mth old female neutered Sphynx cat
Before visiting the Specialist.
Animal Treated
Animal Condition
Specialist(s) Required
Internal Medicine Specialist
This is Ozzzy. He’s a lovely old boy that had become really lethargic!
Before visiting the Specialist
Blood tests showed very high globulin concentrations (a blood protein) and because the cause was not apparent, Ozzy was referred to a medicine specialist for further investigations.
Ozzzy’s Care
Ultrasound and radiographs did not provide the answers that were needed. So, a sample of his bone marrow was obtained. This involves taking a sample from the centre of one of the bones (either in the pelvis or front limb) using a large needle. Both liquid bone marrow and a more solid piece of tissue, known as a bone marrow core could be obtained. This confirmed that Ozzzy had a condition called multiple myeloma. Although this is a cancer of the bone marrow, survival rates are generally very good with treatment.
Ozzzy’s Progress
Ozzzy has now started on treatment and will be monitored closely.
Article provided by Yvonne McGrotty
Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Independent Consultant