Adding Weblinks: If these are not working, it is ecause copy and pasted links will often have hidden text or coding, so rather than pasting links straight from the target site to a profile or job advert, copy them into a notepad or text editor then recopy them before pasting in the weblinks box. If you having problems, just email If we can’t help ourselves we can forward your concern to our web support company.
Qualifications: we have provided a fairly extensive list of options for specialities in their various RCVS, EBVS and AVMA approved wording. Similarly we have many options for degrees and other qualifications. However, members are a well qualified bunch. If there is an option you need us to add, just email
Photos: the website should resize these for you, but you may need to do some cropping. Bear in mind they will be displayed in portrait format.
Viewing your profile in its finished format? When you look at your own profile while logged in, the site will take you to the profile building function. Similarly, depending where you are in the site, the site may show you other members-only profile rather than the public page. The easiest way to check what your public page looks like to the public, is to leave the site, and then go back in as a member of the public (ie without logging in).