Trustee Elections 2020

We are seeking to appoint at least three new trustees in 2020. All full members are eligible to stand for election to the Board of Trustees. At least one of the new members will take specific responsibility for increasing recruitment and engagement of members from the small animal sector and at least one will represent the production animal sector.

There are various additional roles which must be filled by members of the trustee board in 2020; including a new secretary to join our executive team. Duties include arranging trustee meetings, keeping minutes and in conjunction with other members of the executive, determining trustee meeting agendas. We are also looking for a trustee to serve as International Liaison. This primarily involves representing the UK at EBVS meetings which take place annually. Finally, one trustee is needed to take responsibility for overseeing BCVSp activity in relation to Clinical Standards including liaising with our Clinical Audit Working Group and representing BCVSp in discussions with the RCVS Practice Standards Group.

The initial trustee term will be 1/1/20 – 31/12/20; the elected trustees are expected to be willing to accept reappointment for two subsequent one-year terms. Trustees meet every 3 months by teleconference and approximately once a year in person. Members of the executive (chairman, treasurer, secretary and public outreach lead) meet on a monthly basis. If you are interested in standing for election, please complete this form: Trustee Election Application 2020

The closing date for expressions of interest is 30 October. If required, online elections will be open from 1-22 November. More information on the role and responsibilities of trustees is available here: Trustee description 2020