RCVS Recognised Specialist in Feline Medicine
Chief Executive and Founder of Vet Professionals Ltd.
Sarah is an RCVS Specialist in Feline Medicine and enjoys seeing referral and first opinion patients. She has written and co-written a number of books including ‘Caring for an elderly cat’, ‘Caring for a cat with chronic kidney disease’, 'Caring for a cat with hyperthyroidism' and ‘Caring for a cat with lower urinary tract disease’ published by her company Vet Professionals ( Sarah does a lot of owner-orientated research through her website and has a particular interest in geriatric feline medicine. Sarah offers a telephone referral service in feline medicine to cat owners around the world:
Sarah's business Vet Professionals is helping pets and pet carers by performing research on common and important illnesses. Data gained from our studies helps to inform carers and veterinary professionals (eg vets, vet nurses, pet food and pet pharmaceutical companies) about best care. Results from our studies have influenced and educated veterinary professionals and helped to ‘lobby’ for better diagnosis and treatment of illness. Our aim is to improve the awareness, diagnosis and treatment of common and important illnesses in pets.